Ridgeback Bikes

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Senior Member
Cheltenham, Glos
I bought a Ridgeback Horizon earlier this year to replace a clunky old Orbit Orion tourer, and my enjoyment of cycling has taken a quantum leap as a result.  OK, so it's not the most exciting bike to look at, and I'm prepared to accept it doesn't have the best specs, but as somebody who is cycling for improved fitness, who is not interested in getting too technical or in racing,  and with the MacRide (and other more long-distance events which I would like to try in the future) in mind, I find it light and responsive and tough, and it's motivated me to give my utmost.  I love it.
My Commuter is a Ridgeback Velocity, I've had about a year and a half (4,900 mls) and I can't really fault it. Its not as light as my other bikes but it handles really well. The only changes I've made other than the enforced brake pads/ chains/ cassettes is I put clipless pedals on and a fixed seat post.

Holy thread revival, Batman! (Check the dates.)

LOL: To update my thread, my velocity has done 7200miles (not much in over a year and a half :blush: ) and its got a new rear wheel, it still got the same tyres though (1 p'ture about 7000 miles ago, touch wood)


I have a bargain basement Ridgeback Adventure 501 CS hybrid. I bought it last year for £30 at a bootsale. It's a bit heavy, but at 19 stone so am I, and the bike has been ultra reliable. When I am riding regularly (illness has reduced my cycling recently) I do between 80-120 miles a week and the bike takes anything I throw at it. If I had the money I would get another Ridgeback without hesitation.


Legendary Member
Had a mountain bike years ago, it was good enough for me until it got nicked. Never thought about the name like that though, I like the dogs and never thought of them like that either but am ignorant.

Hope yours does you good Ray.

Did you get one in the end Dellzeqq?
Ridgeback were/are Madisons in house brand of bikes so are always well specced and well priced, they're more appealing now than they used to be when I used to sell them while working at Freewheel in Sheffield but were always good bikes, reliable, well designed and very popular. I think one of the people at Madison did have some connection with Southern Africa so the name may have some connection with that.


Über Member
The reason why I searched for (and revived!) this thread is because I was chatting with a chap who is into his bikes and tends to go for the high end / cutting edge types. He didn't think much to Ridgeback as they aren't doing high end road & mountain bikes (?) so I thought I'd cop a feel of what others think of them.

I'd certainly buy another one.
So Ridgeback aren't a 'top notch' brand, probably true but they're still good bikes.

There's nothing wrong with a Twix rather than the finest Belgian Chocolates either.


New Member
I know this is a bit of an old thread.. But I just wanted to add my two peneth... I've ridden and owned plenty of bikes ranging from Orange Sub 5 to Carerra Kraken and have some good experience in building both road and mountain bikes. I currently ride a second hand Ridgeback MX2 and to be honest it isn't the lightest of bikes (at factory standard). I have however rebuilt and swapped out various components....erm actually now I think about it the only original items left are the frame and wheels :S

The bike is much lighter and has a better set up now, but yes I did have to spend some cash to get there. What I can conclude though is that the frame is pretty good. Well built with a decent finish.

I would say Ridgeback do make some of the better low (price) end bikes.
Hi all

I have been offered (through a friend of a friend) a Ladies Ridgeback Vista touring cycle but have no idea what this bike looks like and cant find any images for it. Am thinking my mate has either got it wrong or this particular model has been discontinued/replaced by a newer model.The bike is 53 miles from me so cant just pop over and see it. If anyone has any ideas id be grateful if you could let me know.

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