Recovering at home after a well needed physio session!
I am still on a high after yesterday and just watching all the footage - mainly the professionals though so it would have been nice to have seen some additional coverage of us mere mortals on the ride.
The highs were the residents along the way who cheered us all on and thankfully no sign of all the idiots that were posting on various sites about throwing tacks on the road as we had apparently inconvenienced them so much... Also there was a town somewhere in Surrey that was absolutely packed with people and they provided such a great atmosphere. The marshalls were great and the start and end zones seemed really efficient considering the logistics involved. Staying at the Premier Inn near the start was a great move so I'd definitely recommend that in future.
Only a few lows or niggles. The main one was the amount of litter people were discarding - if you've got enough space to put a full gel packet then you can surely fit an empty one there! The water station after box hill was a bit shambolic and I wasted a lot of time there just trying to get some water. The 'food' on offer was a bit bizarre - bananas were great but think I also saw some digestives and crisps. I know I'm relatively new to this but I'm not sure either of these would effectively fuel us! Luckily I took nakd bars and some home made flapjacks which did the job.
Still laughing about the scratches on my arms that I acquired after toppling into a hedge up Leith Hill - slight wobble + cleats = never going to end well