I had too many lazy bar stewards sitting on my wheel, then refusing to reciprocate, for my liking. If there’s a big( ish ) pack to sit in with, I’ll use them to save energy, but I wouldn’t latch on to a solo rider, then just sit on their wheel, like a load of people did to me. I don’t know them, I don’t know what sort of rider they are, and I’d rather they didn’t do that. However, as soon as the hills section started I soon shook the wheel suckers off. I also had to laugh at one of the ‘Continental Ride safety captains’ ( yeah right

) coming up on my right, as I was overtaking a wobbler on Leith, shouting “KEEP LEFT”, as I accelerated away from him. Utter buffoon

. It was still an enjoyable experience to get through London with no traffic, or lights to worry about. Something that did make me giggle though, was that I knew my power meters were getting low on battery, and I packed some replacement batteries, then didn’t change them in the morning

. Ah well, onto next year. I’m in the ballot for the 100 again, I’ll also sign up for a charity, and if the ballot comes good, I’ll defer to the next year, and ride for the charity.