- Location
- Buckinghamshire
Which forecast though - I wouldn't trust the BBC. Darksky has been my go-to for the last year - seems pretty accurate. But it's still 5 days away - a lot can change between now & then!!
Admittedly that forecast was from the BBC, who I will admit are always pessimistic about the weather - for example, this weekend just gone was meant to be a wash out in my area, whereas in reality it was drizzling on and off all day, so while they weren't totally wrong, they were a little harsh.
However DarkSky are the exact opposite - whenever I look at their app, any of their forecasts that are more than 1/2 a day ahead are always really optimistic and never seem to predict more than a 10% chance of rain even when everyone else is saying it's going to chuck it down! I do swear by their "next hour" rain forecast though - that does do the business and it's what I actually got their app for in the first place, so I can't complain too much.