RideLondon-Surrey 100 (2016) Anyone?

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A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Pics please?


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
That's the Dorking Cockerel on the medal, in case you're wondering. Has its own facebook page.

Have seen lots of bad words about chaingangs hurtling past. In the main I thought they gave plenty of warning of their approach and didn't have a problem with them at all. That all changed circa mile 90, where most people were happy to stop briefly when marshalls were letting pedestrians cross the route. But not the chaingangs - two gangs came hurtling, screaming at the peds to MOVE and went right through them at full bore. ******* idiots.

My LS100 experience started bang on time at 7:38.
EDIT - what happened to my careful tabular formatting?
Split Time Of Day
Time Diff min/km km/h
EST MILE 17 08:28:19 00:49:10 49:10 01:54 31.85
EST MILE 26 09:16:45 01:37:36 48:26 03:11 18.89
EST MILE 47 12:10:43 04:31:35 02:53:59 05:10 11.64
EST MILE 55 12:40:48 05:01:40 30:05 02:20 25.73
EST MILE 75 14:43:09 07:04:01 02:02:21 04:01 14.96
EST MILE 85 16:06:21 08:27:13 01:23:12 05:05 11.83
FINISH 16:58:14 09:19:06 51:53 02:05 29.02

You can see that miles 17 to 47 were slow (water stops, first puncture, pyrford accident queue).
Then a real mixed bag of other delays caused by food stops, a mechanical issue, and then my SECOND puncture of the year (Grrr!).
I reckon I would have had a respectable time if not for the delays. Can't wait to try it again!

Finished on a total high - buoyed by the fantastic crowds all the way back into London, but especially on The Mall. I won't quickly forget emerging from Admiralty Arch with the spectators banging out a sychronised rhythm on the barriers. Spine-tingling.

Oh, best meal of the day was when I popped into my inlaws at Westcott- they provided a bizarre (but tasty) platter of Yorkshire pudding and Chocolate digestives. Much nicer than the provided energy glues.

(Did any other FNRttC riders feel a bit odd seeing the Wellington Arch in daylight?)


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
That all changed circa mile 90, where most people were happy to stop briefly when marshalls were letting pedestrians cross the route. But not the chaingangs - two gangs came hurtling, screaming at the peds to MOVE and went right through them at full bore. ******* idiots.
Never mind idiots - any rider numbers should be noted, their times hidden from public view and the riders rejected from any further BC-registered sportives, shouldn't they?
Anyone know why there's not a strava "ride London" segment, I'm surprised no ones set it up?
If there is it'll be telling you that this is your third attempt at the segment! I uploaded my Garmin to Strava manually in the end, and there are a lot of segments showing my time as my third best, yet I've only ridden them twice!


Lovely jubbly
If there is it'll be telling you that this is your third attempt at the segment! I uploaded my Garmin to Strava manually in the end, and there are a lot of segments showing my time as my third best, yet I've only ridden them twice!
Yeah I've never done it before yet I've got that too! No I meant a segment of the whole 100 mile ride so you got a time that way?


Anyone know why there's not a strava "ride London" segment, I'm surprised no ones set it up?
Plenty of people have tried to set one up before - if you do a quick search for segments, there's loads, but they are all "1 attempt by 1 rider" meaning it's only matched the person who created it. I think the Limehouse Link tunnel screws it up - Strava just can't match people up to the same segment when there's such a large chunk essentially missing from the ride.
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Does anyone know the logistics of the diversions onto previously unclosed roads?

When they close Leith Hill or Box Hill, they are diverting onto roads -the A25 and A24 - that are already closed for those stretches. But when they diverted from Horsley to Leatherhead they were using a road the A246 they say they had earmarked as a diversion but which was not closed. And when they diverted round Pyreford, they were apparently using a road they had (officially at any rate) not planned on.

Did they wait till marshals had been deployed to close off all the side roads before letting cyclists through, or just rely on force of numbers? (Do they have a flying squad of spare marshals?). What did they do about any parked cars? And, if the A246 was a planned contingency, had they obtained closed-road powers over it in advance just in case? But for the Pyreford diversion, presumably they had no legal power to stop cars and were relying on cars giving way to the inevitable?


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
My understanding from a very brief chat with someone who went on the open road diversion is that they had a police (not marshals) escort front and back making an effective rolling roadblock. The police always have the power to direct traffic so no just-in- case closure powers were necessary. I don't know if there were other groups using that diversion without police.
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