I started pretty early - up at 4am for a ride across town - 4:50:35 official time, finished at 11:30am or so I think, so I missed all the delays. I was with three other guys, and my attempts to persuade them into a 2 minute turn chain gang were utterly quoshed. Oliver just hammered it at the front when he could, with no mind as to whether anyone could hang on, and Fish was just sounding like a man dying from mile 15 to when I last saw him over the top of Box Hill. I dropped my bottle at the top of Leith Hill, parked at the side by falling off into the ditch, and had to dodge people to retrieve it. Someone ran over it, but kept upright. Sorry everyone! Our pace slowed a bit after Box Hill, so I went to the front to try to up it a bit, and didn't see the other three again until the end. Caned it from there because I wanted to get under 5 hours, wheelsucking when there was someone setting a good pace, but probably 50% of the time solo. Legs felt awful from Kingston, incipient cramp in both quads and slighly sore achilles tendons, but I kept up the pace. Felt good to cross the line, and I even got out of the saddle on the Mall, but didn't go any faster

Turned out the other guys were only a minute or two behind me, so I should have just waited for them.
Huge number of riders, and 99% were very good, I thought. I saw one fat f*** chug down a gel and just throw the wrapper down (I said something to him) but apart from that it was all good. Weather brilliant, just warm enough, I was never too hot, crowds fantastic, riding up the Mall was good. All in all, I'd do it again, but I wouldn't worry about the time. My knees are sore this morning. Granny ring all the way into work.