RideLondon Guide and Info

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Über Member
Best tip is to find @philinmerthyr and get on his back wheel so his well practiced mountaineering skills can drag you up the hill!

If you do it will be slow and steady. Probably about 5mph up Leith. I have no prolems with hills anymore but at my own pace. Being a bigger rider, I make up time on the downhill and I plan to save my legs and not kill them on the climbs.


Active Member
I've managed to cover 1,500 miles in training, and I'm still really bad at hills BUT I am starting to get excited now! The hills will be done at my pace and I'll just have to make up the time on the flats and descents - bring it on! Fantastic thread - thanks


Über Member
I've managed to cover 1,500 miles in training, and I'm still really bad at hills BUT I am starting to get excited now! The hills will be done at my pace and I'll just have to make up the time on the flats and descents - bring it on! Fantastic thread - thanks

I found a couple of local hills with a slightly more challenging profile than Leith and Box hill. This gave me confidence that I can ride the hills.


I can average over 11 mph on these, helped by the downhills. I did a flatter 50 miles in 3:25 yesterday so my plan is to do the first 40 miles in 3 hrs (including water stops), the 35 mile hilly section in 3.5 hrs (with stops) leaving me 2 hours for the run in to the Mall aiming for an 8:30 time.

It should be a doddle :smile: The atmosphere and adreleline of the day will help as well.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
The event is being televised by BBC 1 and is appearing in the listings...

Part one is focusing on the amateur race, as well as highlights from the Saturdays events. 11.30am-2.00pm.


Second part focusing more on the finale of the pro race - 4.30pm-6.30pm


I have heard there may be some Red Button stuff but obviously this doesn't appear in the listings.

There is international coverage in 111 countries, details here - http://www.prudentialridelondon.co....verage_of_Prudential_RideLondon_s1_p16508.htm
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