Apart from an annoying wheel suckers (particularly the last nobber) it actually felt safer to me this year but that's probably because we were in a much later wave and it had started to thin out quite a bit (relatively at least) and I rode the second half solo (dropped my mate by mistake, thought he was on my wheel but it was yet another wheel sucker).
Rode in a group of three last year and when I was in the second row behind the other two riders who were side by side an unknown fourth rider joined the pack. If I was behind the slowest rider and he became marginally the faster, the idiot would jump onto his wheel forgetting I was there
He almost had me off a few times and couldn't hold his line at corners either.
A wee bit OT as to the last wheel sucker but I'll tell you anyway

I had an annoying yellow blob sitting on my wheel for over 10 miles at the end aka (wheel sucker/nobber)
I didn't have the energy to up it to beyond 21mph to lose him so I tried the opposite tactic to lose him going downhills at 15mph, the nobber and his noisy freehub just sat there though. I tried it a few times but he still sat there. And I must admit although my instinct was to give hand signals after a while I deliberately stopped doing it, probably pointless as my shoulder check before moving out gave every movement away. With all the slowing down I got a fresh set of legs for the penultimate 5miles and was motoring at 25mph he still sat there but it worried me less as there was more of a gap. About 2miles from the end two blokes went by at speed and I became the wheel sucker to lose him (it finally worked). I was going to come by but I then thought what if I blow up and get the wheel sucker back so I stayed on their wheel to the end. In the unlikely event they are reading this, thanks and sterling effort guys.