Rheumatologist believes I possibly have early inflammatory arthritis (presumably RA as I don't have psoriasis) developing, just waiting to see him again for FBC, ESR and CRP results (and to see if the CT scan I had showed anything other than degeneration in my left foot). I've got stiff shoulders, bursitis in both hips, a sore right wrist and generally stiff, achy and knackered (probably as I'm not sleeping well and have mild anaemia). I've got degeneration in my foot, for which I've just had a steroid injection after continually increasing pain walking and at rest. Knees are a bit sore but they have wear and tear already. Weirdly I also seem hypersensitive
I'm taking a second course of oral prednisolone, also Celebrex and pregabalin, plus vit d and fish oil capsules. Still symptomatic and he's suggested methotrexate might be needed in future. GP has given me tramadol to help with nighttime pain and sleep which I take occasionally when I just need sleep
Like some posters above I don't really get the pain while cycling, which is good and I've been doing about hundred miles a week
Other than taking the meds, trying to stay active, I also need to drop a fair few kgs

, does anyone have any tips to manage the pain and the fatigue. I feel pretty worn out, I put it down to work and cycling, but it seems a typical RA symptom. Physio? Hydrotherapy?
Thanks for any thoughts