I retired at 39

. Well, partially. I had 19 years Police service when I was diagnosed with an atrial fibrillation. Long story cut short, they pensioned me off with a pro-rata pension, index linked. In effect it means I get approximately 19/30ths of what I would have got, had I gone the distance to 30 years service. It certainly helps and gives me some security, but sadly not enough to live on.
At the time I still had a mortgage, and retiring at 39 was never going to happen anyway on the monthly payment I was getting. I took on full time work again, in various jobs, until the mortgage was paid off in my early 50's. Then I took the foot off the gas a bit and went part time, by which time I was driving HGV's. So took redundancy from the company I had been driving for full time for 6 years, and went with agency driving work. That didn't turn out as I had hoped, so 4 years ago took a part time job as "handyman" at a local care home. Now getting fed up with that, as "handyman" was a bit of mis-selling (porter/gardener/driver/H&S clerk/painter decorator/entertainer/buyer/anything that isn't someone else's job just about covers it).
At the age of almost 59, I am now at the stage of wondering if I could maybe get by on my pension until I am 67 when the state pension would make things comfortable. But I would have to do without an awful lot of luxuries that I am used to having, and have never been very good at doing without (I like bikes - pedal and motor versions, and cars too). So as I look out at yet another cold, wet, miserable day; I wonder what I would be doing if I wasn't working (even part time)? In my own personal circumstances, it makes more sense to carry on working - but for me work is most definitely a means to an end, and I fully intend to jump from the rat race at the earliest opportunity. I recently renewed all my HGV related qualifications, so will have a look at returning to that on a part time basis if that is feasible.
To summarise from my own experience, it all depends on a multitude of personal circumstances. As Kenny Dalglish might say, "Maybeez aye; maybeez naw"
