In answer to the title question "
Retirement, would you if you could?" - yes!
Although at 56, I hesitate to call it 'retirement': stepping away from work is how I think of it - having an sabbatical (with no planned return

It is quite possible I may do another paid job in the future, but I doubt that would be in the IT sector I have lived in for the past 35 years!
You're a long time dead, as they say.
I've been to rather too many funerals in recent years to want my days to bumble along being defined by work until I follow.....& now have only 25 working days left at the coalface. Or in my case, multiple screens/zooms, etc
I had originally considered going a year ago, then...well, Covid - didn't make much sense, so I carried on another year.
I will certainly miss
many people I work with, but then again, many will be kept in touch with, some perhaps visited and beers shared. A small number have already retired themselves, and are setting a decent example for me to follow......& all of them tell me they don't know how they had time to work!
Well, I was planning a "
gentle LEJoG", but with the Government slipping dates for B&Bs etc, and me aiming to catch pals who are doing Edin-JoG early in June, it is turning into a bit of a rather more
pressured Pandemic Pedal: I am not the sort to nip out for 100 mile jaunts regularly, so am currently in a little bit of training for a couple of months....either way, the ride will hurt me, so I am not overly stressing
Beyond that....we have a very wide range of things we want to do, before we even get to any travelling (which for us will not be abroad this year, I suspect)..... our 'youngsters' are carving their way now, so we hope to be able to help them along too. We are lucky enough to own a cottage on the IOW we let out, and have neglected that for some time, so a bit of part time
holiday living + gardening + decorating might be in order. If anyone wants details, let me know (not sure how mods like 'advertising' on forums!).
Will I get bored? Very possibly!
OP, you mentioned "I do have a few other concerns as well as a few ideas on how to mitigate issues that could arise" - what are your concerns? Maybe some of us have mentally addressed them in our own way?