I'm glad that everything has turned out ok.
I too have "white coat syndrome". I also know the reason why I have that "disorder".
My blood pressure zooms whenever I am being the subject of medics observations. I have a history of being the "carer" of people being tested. I know how to comfort and look after people - I am unused to being the one being "looked at". The only reason that I got "looked at" at recently was for changing area, and registering with a new GP.
I had a very strange episode about four years ago - it hadn't happened before, and has never happened since. I had been feeling a bit unwell for a few hours, and decided to go to bed for the night, although I didn't think that I would actually get any sleep, So I stacked the pillows up and just lay/sat resting with my eyes closed. When my wife looked at me she said that I had turned a whitish colour. My eyesight started to give the impression of a shimmering hologram. I was complaining about being hot, but my wife said that I was icy cold to the touch. She asked if she should call 999. By this time I was "drifting", and just said that she should do whatever she thought best.
A first responder ambulance man arrived very soon. He attached monitors for heart etc. He got straight onto his radio and called for a full ambulance - asking, "How long?" He put a needle straight into the top of my hand, and taped it down - I can't remember what they call these things, but they are to administer drugs quickly.
When the ambulance crew arrived I was feeling a lot better - oxygen works wonders!
I was carted off to hospital with blue lights and sirens. I found out that my heart rate had gone down to 20 beats per minute. I was asked at the time "Was I VERY fit?" I thought that a strange question, lying on a bed like a beached whale. I replied that I was fairly fit - but no way super fit.
I was let out of hospital after three hours - the consultant saying something like "these things sometimes happen". I was leaving anyway
I have had every blood test going and heart monitoring - there is nothing wrong.
Whatever happened that night is a mystery.