I'm sure they do,
I'm just pointing out some people would take a rather dim view of being recorded by a 'civilian' and reported to the Police.
Cyclist's have a bad time as it is without people like this making it worse, I didn't realise this sort of thing existed?
I have a record on my computer of every registration number I have reported; red light runners, driving in the cycle lane, close passers. In fact anything I think, or have learned from experience, the police will take action on. It's quite a list.

Why should a motorist think they can get away with for example close passing? It could be one of my daughters, or indeed your daughter, (if she cycles), who has a bad experience and gets put off cycling.
When regularly commuting and with weekend riding I would be cycling around 100 - 120 miles a week. There would be on average an incident a week, which to my mind is appalling, given I cycled outside peak periods. - Often leaving home at 5.30am.
I don't go looking for law breakers. There are plenty making themselves visible.
Edited to add: The 10/15 minutes it takes to clip the video, prepare a witness statement and electronically submit it, is no inconvenience.