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- Location
- South Oxfordshire
Queuing southbound down the A38 towards the M5 in the morning, there are many drivers who use it as an excuse to catch up on Facebook and such like. I could very well have a word with the local police about it.
Although when uniform are about, they will all be on their best behaviour and it really takes a cyclist's vantage point to catch these tools.
I'm not defending people using their mobiles, but this sort of attitude isn't helpful. Should motorists be working with Police to enforce action against cyclists who don't have reflectors on their bikes and pedals after dusk (as per highway code) ?
There's plenty of friction between motorists and cyclists already. 'Militant' cyclists trying to do the Police's job for them, and report any slight infraction will certainly not improve the situation. It probably won't help us with the Police either. If the Police are flooded with what appear to be malicious or petty reports, then they will have far less time or resources to follow up on the important ones, where cyclists are victims of aggressive/ dangerous driving.
This is important to me because I have been such a victim. I don't really give a stuff if somebody is on their phone, if it does not in any way endanger me, just as I don't care that the gits who assaulted me were not on a phone. Let's focus on what really matters.