New to bike riding as havent road since i was a child. So touch wood no puncture so far
Its worth taking both tyres off and refiting them, just as practice and also to remove the fear of unfamiliarity when you do inevitably need to do so in anger (literally).
Check out some online videos but essentially flatten the tyre, use a tyre lever to pop the rim of the tyre over the rim of the wheel on one side. Once you have levered a section of the tyre out ovewr the rim, Slot the lever over a spoke with the hook in the end of the lever and start with the next lever...and so on.
The levers will be about 5 inches apart from one another
When you lever your third one into place, the middle one nearly always drops out.
Once three are in the tyre ( and enough tyre is now out over the rim of the wheel, it's usually loose enough to run a lever around the rim and sort of "peel" the tyre off the rim
Take the tyre and tube off....faff about a bit, have a cup of tea and refit but this time use your thumbs to pop the rim back in place. Take care to push the valve of the tube through the hole in the rim first and perhaps try to lift the valve area of the inner tube so that the tyre can pop in around the base of the tube.
Inflate a little when thebtyre is back on...but not too much. Then when partially inflated"rinse" the tyre with your hands, all the way around the wheel to ensure the inner tube is not caught or pinched. Inflate to full pressure and ride.
After another cup of tea of course