*%@!** repair kits..

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I usually carry a spare tube, multi tool and a p'ture repair kit in my pannier on the commuter or the Saddlebag/ jersey if I'm on the roadbike. On the commuter I also carry a set of rubber gloves.
Pump wise its a cheapish BBB on the commuter and a Topeak Pocket Rocket Micro in the jersey when I'm on the road bike.
Numbnuts I don’t carry as much as, this is all I carry round; but had the opportunity to use all of it a one time or another;

1 unplanned deflation event repair kit
2 sets Allen keys (don't know why I carry 2 sets)
Small adjustable spanner
Self adjusting spanner
1 set of tyre levers (3) + 2 spares (used to carry 2 sets of levers, again don't know why, but lost a lever)
2 inner tubes
3 spare links for chain
1 small chain tool
Spokes key
Selection of spare nuts, bolts
Small multi tool which includes; Pliers, side cutters, saw, file, knife, couple of spanners, small and large flat bladed screwdriver, philips bladed screwdriver tin and bottle opener
Double end screw driver; flat and philips screw driver
Frame pump
Zip ties
Spare keys for house & bike locks
Mobile Phone
Insulation tape
Credit card wrapped in £10 note

It all fits in a small rack pack with my smalls (too much detail) :smile:, shirt and wet gear when commuting.


back and brave
Spare tube & repair kit. I use the spare tube first, only repairing on the road if I'm darned unlucky and get another puncture.

I repair the tube once I get home but just recently have been thinking of not bothering and just binning it. Glue goes hard, patches go off... you can spend more on p repair kits than on tubes!


N Ireland
Yeah, I carry a repair kit and have had to use it twice. Once to help myself when I had gone through my two spare tubes on a ride and once to help a stranded cyclist who had neither a spare tube nor a repair kit when I came upon him walking with his bike several miles from his home. I also carry a phone and a small amount of cash in case I get stranded - neither of which the stranded cyclist had upon his bike/person!!


Velo, boulot, dodo
I haven't used a puncture kit on the road for years. When I was a kid I used to take one and used it frequently (cheap tyres, mostly always underinflated)


Smutmaster General
I take:
tyre levers
2x tubes
shower jacket (folds up to the size of a baby's fist, or perhaps a Koala's nose)
repair kit tin
bit of cash


New Member
I take a repair kit, and I think I have a spare tube in there as well.

I haven't had to use either since I changed to Marathon Plusses though. That was in December.
numbnuts said:
I carry all this :-
1 P*ncture repair kit
1 allan keys
1 set of tyre levers + 2 spare
3 inner tubes
Folding tyre
Tyre patches
1 small head torch in winter
marigold gloves
Small length of chain (3 inches)
1 small chain tool
Cassette tool and chain whip
Spare spokes
Kevlar spoke
Spare nuts, bolts, powerlinks
Wire cutters
2 small screw drivers
Small sockets to fit screw driver handle
First aid kit with triangular bandage paracetamol, co-codamol, gaviscon tablets
Batteries for rear light and computer and bulbs
Small tyre pump (not mini)
1 Co2 pump
Zip ties
spare keys for house, bike locks
Pen and paper
10 sheets of kitchen roll
Very small bottle of hand cleaner
Insulation tape
£5 in small change
Small roll of gaffer tape
Brake and gear cables
Spare bite valve for camalbac
Small roll string
Spare gloves

surely it would just be easier to carry your bike home.....

or maybe a spare bike on your back when riding.


New Member
yenrod said:
Does anyone know where you can get the patch strip that you can cut up yourself :?: - weldtite do them but finding them is near impossible !

Hate to say it but halfords to the strips of patch that you cut yourself. A couple of quid I think.

And I carry;
Patch kit
Mini pump
Tyre levers


New Member
I carry two separate repair kits with me, on in a saddle bag, and one in my backpack.
My saddle bag also contains a spare tube. But that's just for if I blow out the tyre I've just fixed while reinflating. (done it once, and only once, my ears will never be the same)
The only thing I dont double up on is the pump.

I try to have my backpack repair kit with me at most times, I'm tempted to get a mini pump to go with it, just so when I'm off my bike I can still help out a fellow cyclist who's forgotten their own repair kit. (in the hope that if I ever get stuck with a flat somewhere someone would do the same for me)


Über Member
I take a Co2 pump, repair kit, multi tool, tyre levers 2 tubes and a little bag with some spare cleat bolts, powerlink skewer nut.
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