Remote lost, help needed, URGENT!!

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Have you got a pack of cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
in a cereal box mascarading as a free gift?
much like i presume the driving licences of the people i encountered last night!


New Member
Dom, for once I sympathise. My two wee "angels" are great at subconsciously picking things like the remote up, taking them somewhere, setting it down and then erasing all memory of it from their minds. Unless they're very good liars.

If the nipper has a doll's house, look there. Behind the Sky box, in the dog's bed, under the sink, anywhere below 1 metre in height is fair game!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
alecstilleyedye said:
my virgin+ remote often finds its way into the kitchen, or by the phone. 'ave a look there.


When my Mum was staying at my sister's, not long before Oli was born, she was sitting on the sofa when the phone rang. Without looking properly, she reached down the side of the sofa (the phone lived on the floor down there as they were decorating at the time) and picked up and answered the baby alarm... Much to my sister's amusement...


Have you found it yet Dom? Does this mean you can't watch your huge big telly? Oh dear. <smugly turns on own telly, manually>:thumbsup:

<expects telly to obligingly blow up later to teach me a lesson>


Über Member
Thanks for all your 'concern' everyone :biggrin: I found it anyway, it was on the little ledge at the back of the sofa behind the cushions, not sure who put it there! :ohmy: Probably the cleaner though! :thumbsup:


Have a look on the little ledge at the back of the sofa behind the cushions. It might be there.

...sorry, I meant to say that yesterday! :smile::blush::sad:
asterix said:
Have you called out the emergency services?

Nooooo! I was only joking.. Don't do it..

SLightly OT - In Portsmouth this actually happened. An elderly gentleman who had dropped his remote, phoned the Police to come round and change channel fot him!
domtyler said:
Thanks for all your 'concern' everyone :biggrin: I found it anyway, it was on the little ledge at the back of the sofa behind the cushions, not sure who put it there! :biggrin: Probably the cleaner though! ;)

Detective work Lesson 1

Examine the control

1. If it has sticky fingerprints - blame the tyke
2. If it is highly polished and dust free - blame the cleaner
3. If neither of the above - admit your guilt!
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