Regular exercise reduces risk of Afib and stroke

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Not really surprising, but another win for exercise.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Didn't do me much good. Although I do have a hole in my heart.
TBH, I can trigger arrhythmia in my clot-damaged body these days by pushing my exercise efforts too far. I am okay making, say, a 90% effort on a short stretch of 15% gradient but a longer climb at 20-25% could reduce me to a quivering heap if I were not careful (very low gears, riding very slowly, dismounting at the first hint of trouble).

At least I am already on anticoagulants so the stroke risk is reduced.

Regular, less intense exercise has reduced the incidence of these problems.


More wheels than sense
Playing Devil's Advocate, why does it take a recent survey of 15,000 people to determine what has been blindingly obvious in umpteen similar past surveys - ? :whistle:

Because doing more research always tops guessing that we already know everything.


back and brave
I'd like it more widely accepted that 'exercise' includes walking the dog or a few hours of gardening. It doesn’t (only) mean knocking yourself out on a treadmill. I feel many people are put off exercise (and being active generally) because of a popular perception of exercise.

I know i don't need to go anywhere near my bike (nor, god forbid, a treadmill!) to get my required 'intensity minutes' (or whatever you want to call it) for the day/week. And I could still peg out of course. You do your best and follow advice etc but there are no guarantees.

Perhaps research does sometimes state the obvious, and in so doing maybe makes 'the truth' seem paradoxically further away for some, but equally it's enlightening to realise that some things are easily attainable and within the scope of mere mortals... and don't require gym membership!
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