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Über Member

Yer first picture's lovely. You're stylish and gorgeous.

Then you spoil it all by leaving the ABBA play-by-numbers book by your keyboard.

If you don't regret it, you should. ;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Regrets? Yeah a few, but probably not many that I could actually have made a difference if I'd done stuff differently, if you know what I mean.


Senior Member
Almost to the day, 12 years ago.

Left someone without telling her how I really felt...

Took me a long time to get over her...
Dave5N said:
I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention.

Too much regret is unhealthy. To bastardise a well-known Marxist aphorism: regret only interprets your behaviour. The point is, to change it.

Or, Look forward more than you look back.

I've resisted typing that for 2 days!!! :biggrin:


I had someone pray for me two weeks ago.All about my divorce which happened 21 years ago.I was able to 'wrap' the problem up and leave it and walk away from it.This past fortnight i have been at ease with myself.


Über Member
I once had the opportunity to have a threesome with two lovely female friends. We were all young, free and keen for new experiences. They were up for it and so was I but we never got ourselves organised, as it were.

Now the opportunity has been lost forever.


And of course there are all those women you should have asked out but never did.
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