Cut into fine shreds. Melt some butter (an ounce or so) in a pan (add a little oil too, to prevent burning). Add shredded cabbage and coat well in the butter, and cook for a while with the lid on, shaking the pan often, or stirring, to prevent sticking. After a while (5 mins or so? Sorry, I do this one by instinct), add a generous slosh of red wine, or cider, or water if that's all you've got. Not enough for it to be swimming about, but enough to steam the cabbage in. Cook with the lid on, on a low heat while you peel and chop up some apple (eating or cooking, cooking tends to cook down softer). Add to the cabbage, and continue to stew over a low heat until nice and soft.
If you have time, do this the day before, and reheat when you want it - the flavour develops even better. You can add sultanas if you like.