So you keep saying, unfortunately you seem to measure it by race results which is where marz's post is relevant !
what did you think I meant when I referred to measuring it by 'performance'..?? Do keep up....
So you keep saying, unfortunately you seem to measure it by race results which is where marz's post is relevant !
True, but my race performance is not a good indicator of my fitness improving. If I place 5th in one race one weekend, but 3rd in the next race, am I getting fitter or did my peers have a bad day?
I think your calculator is broken.
In my experience of weight loss, (3 stone since last October, so I feel qualified) the vast majority of these calculator sites over estimate by about 40%. It makes it very hard to count calorie deficit accurately. As I've got down to the last few body fat %'s of my target Ive needed to base my calculations on what actually goes in against what I'm burning/loosing. I can now predict to about 0.25 lbs what I'm going to weigh based on accurate counting and correct BMR calculation.
Interestingly the only site that is almost bang on is strava when you upload a fully loaded file to it of a ride. It's much closer (it uses rider weight and equipment weight in its algorythms). If strava is saying your on 1000 calories per hour then fair play.
Most of those sites are coded to make you feel better.
what did you think I meant when I referred to measuring it by 'performance'..?? Do keep up....
Believe me I'm trying to but you're sinking fast,.
ok, new rule - keep up, AND try and make sense at the same time.....
so what is it ramp test or results ?
Fitnesswhat is what..?
both are measures of performance. I really don't know what you're on about - are you ill..??
No, just sick of you.
well, grow up then and stop trying (and failing) to score cheap internet points in discussions where you clearly have no actual clue what you're talking offence..
None taken, if you want to take part in internet debates, a few suggestions;
Firstly adjust your tone.
Secondly.. adjust your tone