What.? Are you joking..? The list of real foods that can do precisely that are as long as your arm (or longer, if you have particularly short arms). A plain old tin of tuna will get you close to 30g for starters. You've obviously never looked inside one of the musettes that get handed out on a tour stage...
I've seen the contents of the food bags and alongside some really nice looking real food is always a couple of power bars or gel packs. I think the real food is often there to feed the mind as much as the body as just eating power bars can get pretty depressing.
EG, Garmin Team feed bag...
2 bottles of Clif electrolyte mix or one water and one mix on hot days
1 Clif bar
1 Mojo/Luna/Z bar
1 Clif block
1 Clif gel with and one without caffeine,
1 little sandwich made with ham and Philadelphia cream cheese, for example
1 special rice cake made with egg and rice!
1 tiny can of Coke.
And tuna, yes, after a ride, you can get all the protein you need from a couple cans of protein, but I'd rather drink a nice milk shake with fruit and whey powder than eat tuna. And I find the cool shake, especially after a hot ride easier to consume than tuna.
I'll leave the tuna to my next normal real food meal, maybe a nice tuna steak.