Recovery of stolen bike

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Charming but somewhat feckless
If you have the frame number and receipt for it, go to the police, explain the current position and ask that they recover your stolen property. (It will speed things up if you have the original crime reference.) Emphasise that it is currently advertised for sale and could disappear at any time so you'd appreciate immediate help to secure your bike.

If they can't do anything quickly enough for you, explain to them you are going to see the bike as a potential buyer and will, if you feel it safe, ride off with it.

The current possessor has no title to it, good faith purchase or not, so I wouldn't be buying it back or making any sort of offer. It's yours and the law supports you, not the person who now has it.


Leg End Member
Thing that annoys me is if it was a motorbike, they'd be round like a shot.

Went to view my Pashley in South Yorkshire, having arrainged to buy it on ebay. Even had the piece he was missing and unable to replace. Most telling evidence was the tracker fitted inside the frame. Scanner wouldn't stop beeping.

Run off the road a little over a mile from his house and left at the side of the road. Trike last "seen" at Holyhead.


Leg End Member
Why not try and get someone else to view the bike at the same time, with an "interest" in buying the bike. Two people wanting to "buy" the same bike, with a few price increases thrown in, may just put him off guard.

Leaves you free to confirm it's the stolen one, then informing the police once you're certain. With someone still with the bike.


Richmond ,Surrey
If you have checked the serial number,its definitely yours, and if they wont hand it over, say to the Police they have got a gun and they will be out like shot then.

Nice ! and worth a try, But I think the cops would turn on me !
There is zero tolerance to threaten with firearms !


Über Member
The cop shop is manned 24 - 7 , have the original bill from Chain reaction, obviously if I do get to pay a visit I’ll be careful , , prob take my Son also , 6’4’’ Aussie lad built like a brick house , no one would argue with with him ,
Anyway not had a reply yet , so .....
Deffo worth a recce mate but wouldn't fancy heaping pressure on your son being the muscle; there's always bigger houses as well as little houses who won't think twice about unspeakable/unwarranted acts of violence if they feel threatened.

Very best of luck as and chances are, IMO, if it was stolen 18 months ago and is still looking good and has been well looked after it's likely not to be in possession of the original thief


Legendary Member
Do you have any paperwork to back up your claim?. If not forget it. There is no point in turning up saying "It has a chip here and a bang there". Did you report it stolen and have a crime number. If you didnt, forget it. If you did and it is your GFs bike. Then you have a bit of leverage with the seller. Take it with you and show the seller but dont get into a shouting match. Walk outside and call the police quoting the crime number.

Just remember. Its a bike. Its an old bike. There is no point in getting stabbed over it.


Richmond ,Surrey
Do you have any paperwork to back up your claim?. If not forget it. There is no point in turning up saying "It has a chip here and a bang there". Did you report it stolen and have a crime number. If you didnt, forget it. If you did and it is your GFs bike. Then you have a bit of leverage with the seller. Take it with you and show the seller but dont get into a shouting match. Walk outside and call the police quoting the crime number.

Just remember. Its a bike. Its an old bike. There is no point in getting stabbed over it.

If you would have read earlier posts then you would know the answers to your questions , it is not an old bike


Richmond ,Surrey
The bike was stolen a year and a half ago. In my book its an old bike. I read all the posts.

The bike was purchased just over two years ago , so your book is incorrect is it not ? , if you had read all the posts there wasn’t much need to reiterate the already answered questions , the OP was inviting answers to my legal standing, and was answered, , btw @screenman it wasn’t insured, unfortunately ,


The bike was purchased just over two years ago , so your book is incorrect is it not ? , if you had read all the posts there wasn’t much need to reiterate the already answered questions , the OP was inviting answers to my legal standing, and was answered, , btw @screenman it wasn’t insured, unfortunately ,

Ouch, in that case I would be banging on the door of the police station until they were bored with me.
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