Recommend me a Mint Sauce

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I can't help the OP as its many years since I had it, but it is nice.
As a lad we grew our our mint. Once married I grew my own but made the mistake of NOT growing it in a container, it spreads like crazy.

It does spread, doesn't it 😂


Slippery scientist
Mint freezes well, btw.

TBH, just buy a bunch of fresh mint from the supermarket if need be. Will still be better than anything that comes out of a jar.

My mother always used to batch make mint sauce and freeze it as ice cubes.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I can't help the OP as its many years since I had it, but it is nice.
As a lad we grew our our mint. Once married I grew my own but made the mistake of NOT growing it in a container, it spreads like crazy.

We have ours by the garden path. It does spread, but gives off a wonderful smell as you brush past it.
Stop it. Just gravy.

Rubbish - proper lamb need gravy AND mint sauce

of course proper lamb has to be cooked the way my Mum did it and as she couldn;t cope with anyone else in the kitchen when she was cooking then how she got it to taste like that is unknown (and she was never a good teacher and "you don;t teach a boy how to cook" was a normal thing in those days!)

but my sister-in-law did get close once

but anyway - BOTh is the way to go

in terms of where from - leaves from the garden with sugar and vinegar
in winter - that is why you make it in summer and store some


Legendary Member
I can't help the OP as its many years since I had it, but it is nice.
As a lad we grew our our mint. Once married I grew my own but made the mistake of NOT growing it in a container, it spreads like crazy.

Quite similar here, as a child we had it growing in a old metal bucket in the corner of the garden but it did eventually escape and spread a bit. When I started growing my own I made the mistake of getting married....


South Wales
I do make my own in the summer but the mint is now in winter mode.. No new leaves.

We always freeze a reasonable quantity towards the end of the summer, and that usually lasts through the winter.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Mint sauce is usually too acidic.
Mint jelly is often too sweet but i've had some nice ones.
I guess I like vinegar balanced with sweetness, so it's ketchup on chips for me (malt vinegar just takes like a chemistry experiment).
Balsamic is a better balance - I'll have that on our Cavolo Nero.
And should I mention Cantonese Sweet & Sour? That has good balance, and contains food addition that splits opinion: pineapple!


Heavy Metal Fan
The recipe based on chopped fresh mint, a bit of sugar, and mixed up in vinegar is how I have always made it. I remember as kid being sent out to my grandmother's garden to pick some mint for our roast dinner. The mint plants had become almost a huge hedge it seemed to me as a six year old

Exactly the same as my memories at my grans! I've tried but can never make mint sauce like she could.

Another out there suggestion but I love mint jelly from a jar too
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