I recently bought some (admittedly 'ALDI'
) proper clobber that is just dripping with reflective stripes etc and their flouro-yellow waterproof jacket so feel about as dazzling as I could possibly want - HOWEVER - before all these exciting purchases I cycled (in damp n drizzle) ina semiwaterproof 'Gelert' type jacket and and a yellow flouro/reflective vest/gillet of the type that the French and other authorities insist we always have in our cars in case of breakdown madness.
These can be had for the princely sum of one pound in pound shops or upwards of £3.99 in
Halfords, Tesco et all.
Not a lot to pay while you save up for the full 'Angler-Fish' multi prismatic dazzle suit.
On the other other hand.................
I SOMETIMES think that too much hi-viz just gives motorists something to aim for!
It's a fine line?