Don't get me wrong, whilst I love me chromebooks, there are people who won't get on with them, and if you have some windows app you must install, then you need a windows computer (in this community, think specialised mapping/routing software), or Garmin Connect if you need that, etc.
I have a powerful windows/linux dual boot laptop, but most of my time at home I use the chromebook. If I want to do video editting or programming I get the chunky laptop out, for everything else, as long as runs in browser, has an android app, then the CB is perfect, fast, boots in seconds, reboot to update (no more 2-4 hours of windows updates!).
I do use google docs, sheets, etc for word processing and spreadsheets, not quite as feature full as Word/Excel, but covers 99% of my needs for the office apps, and you can print etc from ChromeOS.
Chromebook for web browsing, social media, emails, content consumption, mobile games. Anything more advanced go windows/Mac OS, but not as nice/cheap.
My 70 year old father now moved to Chromebooks, but his wife went back to windows... Horses for courses