Rebuilding a 4 speed Sturmey Archer hub?

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I've never stripped a 4 speed but the 3 speed is easy enough. Sheldon brown probably has information.

If it all seems to work fine, I'd do the lazy approach and flush it through by filling with diesel, let it sit for a few days, most will have leaked out, drain the rest, then fill with diesel again and repeat before putting in a few teaspoonfuls of SAE 30 engine oil.


Formerly just_fixed
They're not difficult if you're technically minded. I have to ask why though? What's the hoped for end result? Like others have said, if it's running well just leave it and polish the externals. They do leak oil as intended which does tend to make them collect dust n shoot; which makes them look old and not looked after, but ironically keeps them pretty mint.
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Senior Member
Bedfordshire UK
Yeah I think I'll just leave it and just clean the outside, maybe squirt a bit of oil inside it too. It does work perfectly but I just liked the idea of a total overhaul for the bike. I'll be replacing all the bearings and grease everywhere else but I'll leave the hub. As someone said before if it's not broken dont fix it.
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