Rear wheel off kilter

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Tin Pot

hi all,

Might just be a loose spindle but just in case it's something more serious I'm putting it out to the forum.

Short ride yesterday, I cornered hard and then noticed something rubbing. The rear wheel was off kilter rubbing the frame. I released it, reset it and tightened up again.

This morning about thirty minutes in, I noticed rubbing again, same issue. Released, straightened, tightened it as hard as I could. Ride fine another 1hr 10.

Just loose or am I about to suffer a catastrophic failure?


Just about surviving
Years ago I had a problem similar that turned I had bent the rear axle. Weaker as was replacement quick release axle.


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
I had the same problem with an older road bike, I thought it was a skewer which wasn't tight but the problem persisted. The LBS sorted it, the spindle had broken.
Loch side.
Obviously you don't have a Shimano or Campagnolo skewer on there. Anything else is inferior. We've discussed it here before, so I won't go into detail but look into it.
Tin Pot

Tin Pot

So if I examine the skewer to see if it's straight and shows no metal fatigue, I could be okay?
Loch side.
Right, so I think your position is that it must be the at loosening itself, and that "proper" skewers don't do that?

I have a campag one at home so I can swap it no worries.

Is there anything else I can check?

No. Nowhere in those links do we say they loosen themselves. The problem lies with the cam. It is all in the text.

Check and correct one thing at a time so that you (and we) know what worked.
Also, familiarize yourself with how tight a QR should be. The short answer is very, but search for the Shimano QR manual I posted here. Try "QR instruction" or such.
Tin Pot

Tin Pot

No. Nowhere in those links do we say they loosen themselves. The problem lies with the cam. It is all in the text.

Check and correct one thing at a time so that you (and we) know what worked.
Also, familiarize yourself with how tight a QR should be. The short answer is very, but search for the Shimano QR manual I posted here. Try "QR instruction" or such.

Well be fair, I appreciate the advice but you're not going out of your way to be clear here. I've read the threads you've linked, none seem to point specifically or pertinently to my experience.

I tighten the qr according to the campag manual, it can be done with one hand but requires a strong grip on the stay.

So, you're saying I need to look at the cam?
Tin Pot

Tin Pot

What rear wheel and what bearing type (ie cup/cone or cartridge)?

Miche reflex, not sure.

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in real simple terms, I suspect the qr hasn't been tightened enough. been there done that.
Twice i think over many years, usually with new wheels, I've had rear wheel come loose, eh I thought it was ok, tightened up to what I thought was ok only for it to come loose some good time later. now I do them tight, really quite tight. No recurrence (although that probably doesn't mean much as it's only ever happened twice in decades.
One was a shimano IIRC, one was a well know brand name that escapes me fitted to Fulcrums
Tin Pot

Tin Pot

Just looked up the skewers and Sheldon Browns site, looks like they are "exposed cam type". Which provides less clamping force than the closed type Insuspect yellow saddle is talking about.

Miche X light are only £7.99 jobs so I suppose it's not surprising they aren't great.
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