Really TRUE odd factoids

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Blue Hills
Nottingham Forest play in red* as a homage to Italian revolutionary Garibaldi, who was very popular in Britain at the time, particularly amongst the working class. So popular in fact the authorities were seriously worried by his visit to Britain.

*Garibaldi's core followers in their fighting efforts to unite Italy wore red shirts.
Blue Hills
Final football one (and don't get the idea I'm a football fan)

Just down the road from Nottingham Forest are the somewhat less glamourous Notts County.

But they can claim to have "given" the spectacularly successful (some say so spectacularly successful in no small part due to long-term match and referee tampering) Juventus of Italy their strip at least.

In their very early days they were looking to change their original pink and black strip (and why not).

An english bod arranged for them to be sent some Notts County togs.


Leg End Member
Among all American high school and college sports, football is the most dangerous. Cheerleading is number two on the list.


Leg End Member
In an adult human, blood circulates about 12,000 miles (19,000 km) a day. This is like traveling from east to west across the widest part of the Pacific Ocean.


Leg End Member
Earlobes are constantly growing
There are only two types of earlobes, attached or detached. This is all the result of genetics. Your earlobes will never stop growing, regardless what genetics provided you with. Another interesting fact about earlobes is that scientists aren’t really sure why we have them (but some think it may be to help with blood flow). The earlobes have an amazing array of blood vessels within them that seem to support this theory.


Leg End Member
If you watched President Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, you might have been confused as to why “God Save The Queen” was being played.

You might recognise it as the song “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”, sang in many American school events.
Blue Hills
Earlobes are constantly growing
There are only two types of earlobes, attached or detached. This is all the result of genetics. Your earlobes will never stop growing, regardless what genetics provided you with. Another interesting fact about earlobes is that scientists aren’t really sure why we have them (but some think it may be to help with blood flow). The earlobes have an amazing array of blood vessels within them that seem to support this theory.
Can you explain the difference between detached and attached earlobes? With pics if possible. Can't help but wonder if folks on some dating websites can specify one or the other.


Leg End Member
Can you explain the difference between detached and attached earlobes? With pics if possible. Can't help but wonder if folks on some dating websites can specify one or the other.
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Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
If you built a true scale model of the solar system with earth the size of a marble, it would be 176m away from the sun (which itself would have a diameter of 1.5m)

Pluto would be the size of a tennis ball and would be 7.6km away

The solar system is actually almost totally empty
The whole universe is basically empty. Even the bits with bits in. Think about what an atom consists of - neutrons, protons, and electrons, but most of all, empty space...well that's not really true - the empty space isn't empty, it is just less dense.

If atoms are mostly empty space, why do objects look and feel solid


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
The whole universe is basically empty. Even the bits with bits in. Think about what an atom consists of - neutrons, protons, and electrons, but most of all, empty space...well that's not really true - the empty space isn't empty, it is just less dense.

If atoms are mostly empty space, why do objects look and feel solid
For a given atom, the probability distribution of any of its electrons is such that there is a small but non-zero chance of finding / interacting with it at any point (with the exception of r=0, the atomic nucleus). Thus every point in the universe is occupied by every electron in the universe.
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