And your net metres climbed will be zero too.
Maybe life is pointless after all 😁
I don;t want to introduce pedantry to this
OK - I do
but actually this is not accurate
in most hospitals the maternity ward - and hence the delivery suite is not that close to the A&E and 'Old Person' ward
and in many cases of new hospitals - not even on the same floor - old people's wards are often high up to have better views for long term patients
Hence - overall you will have travelled at least a few dozen yards - possibly a few hundred - and climbed as well - possibly
I would mostly worry about a parent who shoves a smart phone into a kids hand at birth with Strava already running so as to map things properly
and anyway - can Strava map journeys within journeys????
otherwise how will th ekid map their rides once they can ride a bike
life is just full of questions