Really TRUE odd factoids

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Norven Mankey
Can you name it?
I can, and once won a bottle of whisky by doing so.
Bassenthwaite Lake (I'll PM my address for the whisky)


Leg End Member
Charlie Williams was a black comedian in the 1970s who used to tell racist jokes. His middle name was Adolphous.
Charlie Williams was an English professional footballer who was one of the first black players in British football after the Second World War.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
'Cotton Picking' has nothing to do with plantations. It refers to the guitar style of a certain Ms. Cotton, a left hander who learned the guitar on her right handed brother's instrument. Most left handed guitarists string their instruments in reverse but she was unable to, leading to an individual style which is difficult to emulate.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
There is only one Lake in the Lake District
That is a bit of a myth. In the 18th and 19th century many of the bodies of water now called well, er, Water were called lake, Coniston Lake for instance. The poetic and romantics of the mid to late 19th century changed them to Water because it sounded and looked better, just as they changed Gill to Ghyll because it looked better written in longhand.


With all credit to @LCpl Boiled Egg, the company Kenwood was founded by a Mr Ken Wood.

LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
The word tawdry meaning cheap and shoddy is derived from "tawdry lace", a corruption of "St. Audrey lace". Audrey was the name by which St Etheldreda was known, and poor quality lace necklaces were sold to pilgrims on St Etheldreda's Feast Day (23rd June) in Ely, Cambridgeshire.


Über Member
Gold is one of the trace elements found in the seawater.
Should you decide to filter 1 cubic km of seawater you would obtain up to 6kg of that precious element


Leg End Member
The quietest room in the world is located at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington.

The lab room measures a background noise of -20.35 dBA, which is 20 decibels below the threshold of human hearing.


Leg End Member
Liverpool Town Hall was used in two silver screen classics, Chariots of Fire and The Hunt for Red October.

Meanwhile the dock scene in Captain America was actually shot in Stanley Dock.
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