I ride junior bikes as I'm somewhat undertall. Unlike
@vickster I don't have the problems she has, as the bikes and the components are just right for someone my 4ft 11 frame. Except the saddles, but that's not relevant here.
If you're finding that the brifters that come with the bike are too big, there are other alternatives to the ones suggested that *won't* break the bank - my roadie has Microshift ones (bike runs 2 x 8 Shimano Claris gearing) which fit really well for those of us with smaller hands. Can't remember exactly which ones are fitted, but I can look them up for you if you want.
But unlike
@vickster I do most of my road bike riding on rural roads, so don't feel the need to fit cross-top brake levers. For me, they'd be more of a hindrance than a help, as any urban riding that I do, I will tend to take the hybrid as a) I prefer the more upright position for riding in traffic and b) I need the luggage capacity.
Moral of this is what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. And as you're a newbie, please get used to riding the bike first before making any sort of changes. Else you may well be throwing money away unnecessarily - especially since IIRC you are on a fairly limited budget.