So im thinking of getting a road bike so I can adjust to the different gears and drop bars well ahead of the velo and my first sportive in March.
I have narrowed it down to 3 I think - that are within my price range ATM (second hand ones)
What are your thoughts on these?
B'twin Triban 500 - click
Carrera Zelos - click
Trek Madone 4.5 - click
They're a bit old - but remember I am just starting out. I will invest in a better more up-to-date beauty closer to june
All opinions and advice welcomed as usual
A good basis for your first road bike is nothing too aggressive in ride position, wide tyre and slightly easier gearing.
So a 'endurance' type frame. Descriptions like touring/gravel/endurance are suitable
Wide tyres is upto 40mm, but 35mm is fine.
easy gearing. Crank (gears on pedals) 46/32 48/32 or 50/34-described as compact. The other two are described as sub compact/touring
Cassette (gears on back wheel)
For ease of going up steep hills. 11-32 or 11-34. 11 teeth makes bike go faster 34 teeth allows easier pedalling up hills.
With that in mind choose a bike with these parameters above for as cheap as you can get them. eBay is good place with lots of nearly new bikes from last years enthusiastic new riders who just give up after a couple of weeks.
The Triban is the nearest to my outline above.
Ill do a quick look on eBay