Just as a couple of examples of when I like to use 50/11: Many of my rides end with about 10km of gentle downhill, twisty roads (the gentle side of the N Downs). I'm relaxing. The ride is all but over. I whack the bike into top gear. I freewheel a bit, and if I need a bit of speed a few hardish turns of the pedals do the job, then freewheel, brake for a corner, pedal, freewheel and so on. Alternately I quite like to use the slower cadence and bigger effort just for a change on a flat smooth road, going at, say 30 kmh. Probably with a tailwind. Neither is what a racing cyclist would do, but I'm not in any way a racing cyclist. Far from it. It just adds to the fun, it's a change. I wouldn't miss it if I lost it, but as it's there, I use it.