When I bought one of my road bikes sometime ago, the dealer very kindly gave me a Rapha Bidon, which is a water bottle to the likes of us. Anyhow, after using it a few times, I noticed the Rapha logo was peeling off. I telephoned Rapha who were not very helpful, but after much arm twisting they sent a replacement. Anyhow, a week later it happens again. The logo just peels off the bottles when you are placing the bottle in and out of the cage. I telephoned them again and spoke with a young lady ( who shall remain namelss) again extremely unhelpful and really couldn't be bothered with my enquiry. She came out with the usual bullshit, its not happend before. Then, after much much much arm twisting they send out another which took weeks. Before it arrives, I speak to the young lady in question who then goes on to tell me that they have indeed had complaints from other customers about this water bottle. So, whats that I can smell coming down the phone from Rapha, bullshit. So, they are indeed having problem! So, the third bottle arrives and after a few uses, guess what, its happendding again, all the black lettering comes off on your fingers when riding and over the nipple. So, I telephoned them again. The young lady then tells me I'm being a pain and will get back to me in the future! Total Crap. All I can say, I'm so pleased I never bought this pathetic bottle in the first place!