Rant: bloody speeding drivers

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Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
At Kelling in Norfolk the A road is a pleasant twisty coastal road, but some treat it as a Motorway. One of the locals with a garden beside the road put up a yellow box (it was a birdbox) and the Police had stern words with him and made him take it down. I think I'd have said - 'birds nesting in it so I can't remove it'. If it slowed motorists (it seemed to) what's the problem? Surely Police can't dictate the colour of a bird box on someone's own land?

If the peelers told me to take something down in my own garden I would take delight in doing √ SA about it. This isn’t a police state (yet).


Legendary Member
If they told me to take it down I'd install another.

More likely, having delivered such messages on behalf of the scrambled egg ranks myself, they suggested that he might wish to consider removing it due to potential unforseen consequences that themselves might land the owner in bother.

It's ultimately an issue for the planning inspectorate at the council, and the dibble will neither 'tell' anyone to remove such an item or 'make' them do so. These stories are usually a misrepresentation or misreporting of the exact conversation.


Über Member
If they told me to take it down I'd install another.

More likely, having delivered such messages on behalf of the scrambled egg ranks myself, they suggested that he might wish to consider removing it due to potential unforseen consequences that themselves might land the owner in bother.

It's ultimately an issue for the planning inspectorate at the council, and the dibble will neither 'tell' anyone to remove such an item or 'make' them do so. These stories are usually a misrepresentation or misreporting of the exact conversation.

Surely although it may be the Council that makes the rules/enforce them in this instance, it may be possible that a Police Officer has said something he isn't empowered to say? Sometimes individuals don't do as they should (ask Boris?)


Legendary Member
Maybe. I don't know.

I can only go by my own direct experience of such matters, and that is conversations I or colleagues have had in such circumstances are often exaggerated or misrepresented when recounted and Chinese whispers does the rest.

The retort usually starts, "so what you're basically saying is..."
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