I did get a bit carried away, she is basically done. Bar a few finishing touches (Raleigh head badge needs to be bought and added, as does the 531c decals and maybe some other ones, however as i have taken her away from what she originally was it does not feel right adding back all the same ones.
So here she is, I see her as a gentleman's racer.
sorry about the pics it looked like it was about to rain so a bit of a hurry. Just for teh sake of it, here is a before pic.
She rides great, need to get the saddle right which is taking some time. She's a bit lively but the gears and wheels are smooth. She also starts whistling if i go over ~15mph guess it means she is happy (Its actually going to drive me mad so really need to work out what it is.)
Saddle colour is a bit off the bar tape, but i hope after i add some proofhide / buff it it will lighten up.
Has been great fun restoring it, just need to get some miles done now. True test to make sure I tightened everything up...
Will up load a few more pics of her out and about soon. I was going to take a few mid restoration images but it all went together so smoothly I completely forgot (I normally took them as and when something was getting on my nerves as a way to take 5)
Total cost to restore... Too much (Any SHMBO knows about the site) was it worth it. You tell me