Ride it
We sold a shed load in the 70's.........OK, I worked in a bike shop with a racing background but we knew which side our bread was buttered we always got the buyers to ride the bikes they wanted to buy, there were not a lot of cars on the road so it was pretty safe. The Twenty / Shopper / Stowaway group rode really very well and after a ride round the block they were happy to buy
The Grifter was a different story........
We sold a shed load in the 70's.........OK, I worked in a bike shop with a racing background but we knew which side our bread was buttered we always got the buyers to ride the bikes they wanted to buy, there were not a lot of cars on the road so it was pretty safe. The Twenty / Shopper / Stowaway group rode really very well and after a ride round the block they were happy to buy
The Grifter was a different story........