Rainlegs: Fetish or functional?

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Pulling through
Ha ha. Cheers lads. I'm gonna take the plunge and risk being the butt of jokes, at this time of year the commute's gonna be in the dark anyway. I'll let youse know how I get on but I'm unlikely to post pics!
I think they look ridiculous but i'm sure they're very good. I'll stick with more expensive, difficult to get off and on but much more conventional over-troos thanks.


back and brave
Wouldn't be my choice but I'm sure they work in their limited context.

I'm not even sure I'd give them a go though, just to prove it for myself one way or the other, because when it comes to cycling in the rain, wet thighs is probably the least of my worries.


Pulling through
Well I ended up getting over trousers instead (as a present so I'd ceded the decision). They worked out well today on my short commute and hops between sites but I still like the idea of rainlegs. Maybe it is fetish.
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