Just because something has little support doesn't mean its wrong. The problem with the climate change issue is that all the scientist are herding like sheep around certain theories instead of looking at it open mindily and trying it rip chunks out of the current 'accepted' theory like good science should be trying to do.
That's far from the case.
Even if it wasn't, why would they challenge an accepted theory? It is accepted for a reason. If the overwhelming majority of evidence suggests X is the answer, then X shall remain the answer until further evidence is provided.
I'm not aware of to many scientists suggesting evolutionary theory is incorrect and needs to have chunks ripped out of it
At present, the majority of the evidence supports the theory that CFCs are largely responsible for the climate change. Until there is evidence to suggest otherwise, the accepted theory will stay in place - and rightly so.
There are many teams trying to find out why the earths climate is changing, funnily enough all the evidence they are gathering is only providing more support to the 'accepted theory'.
Isn't that kinda, sorta, maybe how science works?
Anecdotal evidence such as 'oh its raining, isn't there a drought?' doesn't disprove climate change, anymore than 'Its really warm this winter' proves climate change.
People not understanding the difference between weather and climate really hacks me off (Luckily, I'm an Environmental science student!).
Climate change is 100% clear in climatic data. Why its happening is slightly less clear (although I'm willing to say that if the current theory turns out to be wrong, I will buy you all a spesh S-works venge.) its effects, even less clear still.
What we can say for certain, it will be shite.