race radio ban...

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mr-marty-martin said:
to a point it spoils the racing, attacks going up the road etc...

as soon as they see a little attack forming there managers are straight on the radio telling whatever team there on to chase it down etc, constint time gap updates, if it looks like the breaks suffering they tell them...

it could spell disaster for cav, he'll be looking for the win tomorow....

He will gust have to try harder will he not ;)


New Member
he can sprint, but for him to do that it has to be put infront of him on a plate by his team...and he knows it...

so the team will have to try harder...


mr-marty-martin said:
he can sprint, but for him to do that it has to be put infront of him on a plate by his team...and he knows it...

so the team will have to try harder...

They won't have to 'try harder' at all. They just won't have a radio telling them what to do. The effort will be the same.
It's a lumpy route, normally favours a loner, what do you think?



New Member
Personally, I'm against banning race radio. I'm a big fan of regge and world music. All seems a bit raceist to me.
I was pleased to see that Garmin were one of the four teams who didn't sign Bruyneel's whinge the petition. Millar and Wiggy for a mad breakaway tomorrow? xx(

The 'safety' argument is pure BS. It's all about taking control of the race away from the DS's and making the racers race.
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