Married to Night Train
- Location
- Salford, UK
How often do you ride a bike? Regularly
If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, Commuting (inc Uni), transport
Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes
If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so? Nothing (I think this question is problematic to us who do cycle - it's really only for people who don't)
If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know
Getting started:
Choosing a bike 0 (but because I already have all the bikes I need)
Getting the correct size of bike 0 (as above)
Carrying Luggage 4
Getting comfortable on the bike 4
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 3
Taking a bike on public transport 2
Using Roads:
Safe road positioning 5
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 5
Hazards, what to look out for around...
Large vehicles 5
Busy roads and traffic 5
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 5
Clothing 3
Surviving winter 3
Riding in bad weather 3
Safety and Security:
Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 4
Being seen 4
Making the bike more secure 4
Insurance (theft) 3
Insurance (third party) 3
Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 4
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 4
Removing / replacing a wheel 4
Saddle adjustments 4
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 4
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 4
What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting? (this is not really me, it's me opining on stuff I hear, if that makes sense) I'd like to see the issue of showers and stuff tackled - so many people seem to think you can't cycle in unless you have the full ability to shower and change, which is, for most people, not true. Riding the right way (IE, cooling down at the end) means most people don't need to arrive sweaty, and for most trips you don't even need to get sweaty, unless you want to make it a work out. You can cycle in normal clothes etc... Look at the Dutch! (I think some peope maybe use the lack of showers as just another excuse - like 'it'll rain', ;it's dangerous' when really, they just don't want to, but don't want to say that....) For a site concetrating on cycling as transport, I think it needs to make it look as normal as possible - not needing loads of special clothes, or anything. If people want to make it into sport, that's another issue...
Also, I assume this survey will be going to plenty of non-regular and non-cyclists as well - we are a self selecting bunch, and will skew the results a bit, since we have already overcome all the 'objections'...
If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, Commuting (inc Uni), transport
Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes
If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so? Nothing (I think this question is problematic to us who do cycle - it's really only for people who don't)
If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know
Getting started:
Choosing a bike 0 (but because I already have all the bikes I need)
Getting the correct size of bike 0 (as above)
Carrying Luggage 4
Getting comfortable on the bike 4
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 3
Taking a bike on public transport 2
Using Roads:
Safe road positioning 5
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 5
Hazards, what to look out for around...
Large vehicles 5
Busy roads and traffic 5
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 5
Clothing 3
Surviving winter 3
Riding in bad weather 3
Safety and Security:
Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 4
Being seen 4
Making the bike more secure 4
Insurance (theft) 3
Insurance (third party) 3
Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 4
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 4
Removing / replacing a wheel 4
Saddle adjustments 4
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 4
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 4
What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting? (this is not really me, it's me opining on stuff I hear, if that makes sense) I'd like to see the issue of showers and stuff tackled - so many people seem to think you can't cycle in unless you have the full ability to shower and change, which is, for most people, not true. Riding the right way (IE, cooling down at the end) means most people don't need to arrive sweaty, and for most trips you don't even need to get sweaty, unless you want to make it a work out. You can cycle in normal clothes etc... Look at the Dutch! (I think some peope maybe use the lack of showers as just another excuse - like 'it'll rain', ;it's dangerous' when really, they just don't want to, but don't want to say that....) For a site concetrating on cycling as transport, I think it needs to make it look as normal as possible - not needing loads of special clothes, or anything. If people want to make it into sport, that's another issue...
Also, I assume this survey will be going to plenty of non-regular and non-cyclists as well - we are a self selecting bunch, and will skew the results a bit, since we have already overcome all the 'objections'...