questionare, if you'd be so kind :)

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Hello, i've mentioned before my final project being an easy to access and find resource containing what many on here would consider to be the basics for riding on the road, if you could answer the questions (copy the post and write them in) it'd be a great help


How often do you ride a bike? Never, Rarely, Regulally, Daily

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, Commuting (inc Uni), transport

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes / No

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so?

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike
Getting the correct size of bike
Carrying Luggage
Getting comfortable on the bike
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc)
Taking a bike on public transport

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning
Navigating junctions safely
Using lanes on multi lane roads

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles
Busy roads and traffic
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc)


Surviving winter
Riding in bad weather

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen)
Being seen
Making the bike more secure
Insurance (theft)
Insurance (third party)


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment)
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube)
Removing / replacing a wheel
Saddle adjustments
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable)
Lubrication (Where and what to use)

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?

Thank you for your time :laugh:
Black Sheep
example as produced by my fiancee :laugh:

How often do you ride a bike? , Regulally,

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, transport

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so?

time taken to lock bike up securely

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike 4
Getting the correct size of bike 4
Carrying Luggage 3
Getting comfortable on the bike 3
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 4
Taking a bike on public transport 0

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning 5
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 5

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles 5
Busy roads and traffic 5
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 5


Clothing 3
Surviving winter 3
Riding in bad weather 4

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 5
Being seen 4
Making the bike more secure 4
Insurance (theft) 3
Insurance (third party) 1


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 5
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 4
Removing / replacing a wheel 3
Saddle adjustments 2
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 2
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 2

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?

penalties for knocking someone over, riding on pavements etc
what to do if have a crash

Young Un

New Member
How often do you ride a bike? Daily

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? Leisure,

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike - 5
Getting the correct size of bike - 5
Carrying Luggage - 4
Getting comfortable on the bike - 5
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) - 5
Taking a bike on public transport - 5

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning - 4
Navigating junctions safely -5
Using lanes on multi lane roads - 5

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles - 5
Busy roads and traffic - 5
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) - 5


Clothing - 4
Surviving winter - 4
Riding in bad weather - 5

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) - 5
Being seen - 5
Making the bike more secure - 5
Insurance (theft) - 3
Insurance (third party) - 1


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) - 4
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) - 5
Removing / replacing a wheel - 5
Saddle adjustments - 4
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) - 3
Lubrication (Where and what to use) - 3

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?
Black Sheep
Chuffy said:
Oh and what about using the bike for shopping?

i'm classing that as 'transport'

I can't use survey monkey as my tutors won't let us use survey software - we've to analze and present the results completely ourselves for some reason.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
How often do you ride a bike? Never, Rarely, Regulally, Daily

Pretty much every day

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so? I Dont need to

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike 0
Getting the correct size of bike 5
Carrying Luggage 5
Getting comfortable on the bike 5
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 5
Taking a bike on public transport 2

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning 5
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 5

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles 5
Busy roads and traffic 5
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc)5


Clothing 5
Surviving winter 5
Riding in bad weather 5

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 3
Being seen 5
Making the bike more secure 5
Insurance (theft) 2
Insurance (third party) 2


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 5
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 5
Removing / replacing a wheel 5
Saddle adjustments 5
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 5
Lubrication (Where and what to use)5

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?

Can I get changed easily at work
Can I store my bike safe at work


Cycling in the sun
Pushing tin said:
How often do you ride a bike? Regulally[/I]

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, Commuting , transport All

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so?
Nothing prevents me apart from the worst of the weather - deep snow for example and illness

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike 4
Getting the correct size of bike 5
Carrying Luggage 4
Getting comfortable on the bike 5
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 4
Taking a bike on public transport 2

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning 5
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 5

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles 5
Busy roads and traffic 4
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 4


Clothing 4
Surviving winter 3
Riding in bad weather 3

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 5
Being seen 4 (do you mean reflective/hi vis or road position)
Making the bike more secure 3
Insurance (theft) 3
Insurance (third party) 2


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 4
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 5
Removing / replacing a wheel 4
Saddle adjustments 4
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 3
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 5

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?

Tips on clothing, whether it be transporting a change of clothes or good clothes for cycling in that aren't cycle specific
Possibly how long it might take a slowish cyclist to get to various locations
Cycle parking locations
Bike shop locations (for emergency repairs)

Thank you for your time :becool:

I don't know if that helps... I think I have confused myself whilst answering the questions as to whether I'm answering as me who cycles or thinking back to when I started and what sort of things that I now think are useful as opposed to what I thought then might be useful. For example for road positioning I said 5, but I actually have my own copy of Cyclecraft:biggrin:, just that I think road positioning is very important.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
How often do you ride a bike? , Regulally, (or regularly as we say in England!)

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, Commuting (inc Uni), transport

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes /

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so?

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike
Getting the correct size of bike 5
Carrying Luggage 2
Getting comfortable on the bike 5
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc)3
Taking a bike on public transport 0

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning 3
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 4

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles 5
Busy roads and traffic 4
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 3


Clothing 5
Surviving winter 2
Riding in bad weather 3

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 0
Being seen 2
Making the bike more secure 0
Insurance (theft) 0
Insurance (third party) 5


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 4
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 5
Removing / replacing a wheel 4
Saddle adjustments 3
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 4
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 3

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?

Shower facilities.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
How often do you ride a bike? Never, Rarely, Regulally, Daily

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, Commuting (inc Uni), transport

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes / No

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so?
Nothing, I answered yes :becool:

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike 1
Getting the correct size of bike 1
Carrying Luggage 2
Getting comfortable on the bike 3
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 2
Taking a bike on public transport 2

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning 3
Navigating junctions safely 3
Using lanes on multi lane roads 3

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles 3
Busy roads and traffic 3
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 2


Clothing 2
Surviving winter 1
Riding in bad weather 2

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 2
Being seen 1
Making the bike more secure 2
Insurance (theft) 1
Insurance (third party) 1


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 2
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 1
Removing / replacing a wheel 1
Saddle adjustments 1
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 2
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 3

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting?
Black Sheep
Dave5N said:
What's the differencce between commuting and transport?

And what about racing?

racing is under leisure as its done in spare time
commuting is the morning and night time to and from work
transport is using it for getting anywhere but work as some people won't ride to work due to needing to be smart on arrival etc


How often do you ride a bike? Regulally

If Yes, what do you use a bike for? (delete those that don't apply) Leisure, transport

Would you consider cycling to work / uni? Yes

If no, please explain why, If yes, what prevents you from doing so? Quite a long trip for me, no showers when I get there, I drive on quiet country roads mostly so no traffic delays and I also enjoy driving. Sometimes need to carry tools in the car.

If you were to start (or already do) cycle to work or for transport please
rate how useful the following information would be to you.
0 -does not apply to me. 1- not bothered 2- Might be useful
3- would be useful 4- would want to know 5- need to know

Getting started:

Choosing a bike 2
Getting the correct size of bike 4
Carrying Luggage 4
Getting comfortable on the bike 5
Route planning (to avoid busy roads etc) 4
Taking a bike on public transport 2

Using Roads:

Safe road positioning 4
Navigating junctions safely 5
Using lanes on multi lane roads 5

Hazards, what to look out for arround...

Large vehicles 3
Busy roads and traffic 4
Road obstacles (speed humps, pinch points etc) 4


Clothing 2
Surviving winter 3
Riding in bad weather 3

Safety and Security:

Locking up (choosing a lock, making sure bits don’t get stolen) 3
Being seen 3
Making the bike more secure 3
Insurance (theft) 2
Insurance (third party) 2


Brakes (pad replacement and adjustment) 1
Puncture repair (replacing tyre and innertube) 1
Removing / replacing a wheel 1
Saddle adjustments 1
Bars and controls (getting things comfortable) 1
Lubrication (Where and what to use) 1

What other advice or questions would you look for when considering using a bike as transport or for commuting? Shower facilities at work.

Thank you for your time :sad:[/quote]
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