There are certainly cases in Ireland (similar legal system to UK) where burgalars injured inside a shop/home have sued and won, sometimes after being convicted of the crime.
I'd imagine there's a distinction to be made between deterring theft and preventing a getaway - especially in a public place.
Removing an essential component "to look for a replacement" could be a very hard argument to make, especially in the absence of proof of a search or evidence to the contrary such as immediately going in to a café or bookshop. Especially if the component is in good working order.
There are also unintended consequences such as a bike suddenly collapsing in traffic and an innocent driver seriously injuring, or worse, another human being.
The chances of finding a similar case are slim, a broader search will help, but ultimately it's all guesswork until a judge (or jury where appropriate) make their decision.
And again, there's a distinction between a criminal case and a civil case. A civil case could well be settled in advance of a ruling and therefore harder to find.