Question on preventing theft

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I saw Legally Blonde Two.


If 6 Was 9
It was a discussion we had on a Brompton site. There are some places you cannot take your bike inside. I suggested using a D lock and removing both the steering clamp bolt and the frame clamp bolt, so the bike could not be assembled to ride.
It's a Brompton. :rolleyes:
They'll nick it, walk off with it folded then source a couple of bolts at their leisure.
Who is going to challenge someone walking with a folding
Can't see it being much of a deterrent.


Started young, and still going.
It was a discussion we had on a Brompton site. There are some places you cannot take your bike inside. I suggested using a D lock and removing both the steering clamp bolt and the frame clamp bolt, so the bike could not be assembled to ride.

Couldn't you fold the bike up, lock it wherever you are going to, and then remove the seat post. The bike is now unrideable, very difficult to carry as the frame won't be locked together and no intention to do any harm whatsoever.
It is no different to locking a bike up and removing the wheels. No harm intended, but renders the bike virtually useless.
I have an old mountain bike is locked up in the shed (used to be my wife's son's) which works fine (sort of)
except that the brakes don't really slow it down at all

I suspect that is someone knicked it and ended crashing I would be OK as it has been like that for ages and there is no intention
The opposite might apply if I left a perfectly good bike unlocked on the high street but disabled the brakes in a manner that no-one would notice - then I may have a problem

it comes down to intent.
it is like hearing a noise outside and going to investigate with a baseball bat
as opposed to going out with a torch - which just happens to be the longest heaviest torch every sold in B&Q
a taking a torch has a good reasons - a baseball bat show an intention - in this case who you are als matters - a 6 foot 9 rugby player would be looked on differently to a 5 foot 1 70 year old woman


Legendary Member
This was a hypothetical question.

If the police asked the intent would be to prevent the bike being stolen or even to source another part locally. Certainly not to harm anyone.

But we are all guessing.

Does anyone kow an actual case where something like this has ended up in court in the UK? I cant find anything.
There are certainly cases in Ireland (similar legal system to UK) where burgalars injured inside a shop/home have sued and won, sometimes after being convicted of the crime.

I'd imagine there's a distinction to be made between deterring theft and preventing a getaway - especially in a public place.

Removing an essential component "to look for a replacement" could be a very hard argument to make, especially in the absence of proof of a search or evidence to the contrary such as immediately going in to a café or bookshop. Especially if the component is in good working order.

There are also unintended consequences such as a bike suddenly collapsing in traffic and an innocent driver seriously injuring, or worse, another human being.

The chances of finding a similar case are slim, a broader search will help, but ultimately it's all guesswork until a judge (or jury where appropriate) make their decision.

And again, there's a distinction between a criminal case and a civil case. A civil case could well be settled in advance of a ruling and therefore harder to find.
Why not? The Danelaw applied over here for long enough! :laugh:
strange how history turns isn't it?
From marauding vikings to today.
what is denmark known for now?
Interesting minimalist furniture, cows, nice breakfasts, green placid countryside.
(their porn crown lost to the global internet)
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Our Stevie.

bacon covered by my breakfast accolade.
Carlsberg is much overrated (or maybe not) - I'd put its erstwhile porn reputation above it.
I do long long ago remember an somewhat oddball member of my social circle going on holiday to copenhagen. We all thought WHY?
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