thats a really brilliant idea Mac
I've done something similar in that I have devised 8-10 local loops and plotted them on google maps . I thought i'd use a dice and decide which route I took that way (diceman) but I keep forgetting to do it.
I'm going to try your suggestion . the only problem being its really rural round here and you can easily get utterly lost with 5 miles of your home. Just lots of endless tracks and cattle droves without a house or sign for miles .
Its also pretty dangerous as most roads have room for only a single vehicle , no passing places and have high sided earth banks either side so nowhere to pull off the road when cars come hurtling around the corner

I've done something similar in that I have devised 8-10 local loops and plotted them on google maps . I thought i'd use a dice and decide which route I took that way (diceman) but I keep forgetting to do it.
I'm going to try your suggestion . the only problem being its really rural round here and you can easily get utterly lost with 5 miles of your home. Just lots of endless tracks and cattle droves without a house or sign for miles .

Its also pretty dangerous as most roads have room for only a single vehicle , no passing places and have high sided earth banks either side so nowhere to pull off the road when cars come hurtling around the corner