I have two trikes with differentials… they were pretty common in the past, the double freewheel innovation was introduced , I believe , by George Longstaff and then used by Trykit. Whilst a diff drives the outside wheel (the fastest moving one) in corners, the double freewheel drives the slower one which means in tight corners more effort tends to be needed but it also means that the non-slipping wheel gets driven. This does lead to challenges on slippy hills on my 1990 Ken Rogers upright, but generally a bit of judicious out of saddle weight redistribution helps. My other diff trike is my Kettwiesel recumbent, wheel spin is much less of an issue but I think that is due in large part to all weight being over the rear axle on really steep climbs… it also has much fatter grippier tyres. My first Kettwiesel was one wheel drive and climbing steep hills with it was really challenging… the front wheel was always lurching into the gutter (it was the right wheel that was driven, being a German machine). In contrast the diff on the current Kett means I can lift the front wheel on steep hills and ride it uphill on the two rear wheels! Surprisingly it keeps a pretty straight line.