Ha ha, no, but the timing was good, spent most of March and April, ridding down all the lanes I had often wondered what they were like. Found some great rides for me and the wife at weekends...welcome to your expanded life of cycling.
enjoy your picnics, club rides, touring in the future.
March was a very well timed time to retire - do you have supernatural powers?
Hi,Another thought - sounds like you have a perfectly nice functioning bike for most of your sort of current riding, and with winter not that far away the need is maybe not pressing pressing urgent for this other bike - i stress I'm not trying to discourage you from getting one - I have close on ten.
I think I'd take your time with the decision - learn lots from folk on here and elsewhere, learn about your needs.
May avoid a rash decision.
The supply position will surely improve in time.
I'd also not write off considering second hand- you can pick up some very nice hardly used or superbly maintained bikes from careful owners (maybe more careful than some bike shop mechanics).
pm me if you want pointers.
I don't know what your bike maintenance skills are like but if they need work I'd use the intervening time until the arrival of the new toy to brush up on these/buy some good quality tools. Even modestly priced bikes can run very smoothly if well maintained - see above re quality secondhand.
Yes I have kinda parked the idea of a new road bike until spring next year, hopefuly more choice then.
Then use the hybrid through the winter, now I know I can keep up on the club rides with it.
I keep an eye out for 2nd hand, but I am only 5" 5, so I guess size small.
Also as someone said I do not want an aero race type bike for of an endurance type, comfort.
I think my knowledge might be a bit limited, in knowing whats good and right for me.....