Is it a coded message? I've never had kids so I'm not familiar with current conventions. When I was a kid, for "trick or treat" we'd visit every house on the (and neighbouring) streets. But for years I've never had any trick or treaters knocking on my front door. My understanding is these days trick or treat is with parental accompaniment and only to houses of other families with similar aged kids.
So is the pumpkin pile a sign that the property is open to trick or greaters?
Yes, it’s a code. Saves the kids wasting time and saves people who don’t feel comfortable being knocked on. So those hiuse who decorate are doing everyone a favour. And the kids, on the whole, love doing the decorating.
Mine loved the whole experience. A couple of pumpkins, some toot we reused every year and some sweets. In the grand scheme of things it was very cost effective given the amount of fun they got from it.