Pumping Tyres

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New Member
How do you know when a tyre is full? My front tyre was flat so I pumped it up and it felt firm but when you put pressure on the tyre flattens slightly still. Also it's really easy to pump still so not sure if there's enough pressue in it.

Didn't realise it was flat until I was half way through cycling!

Steve H

Large Member
For regular riding, I highly recommend getting a track pump. These have gauges on and you can tell really easily what pressure they are at. I pump my tyres at least once a week to the recommended pressure to ensure a quick ride and pretty good puncture resistance. Pumping regularly with a hand pump is too much like hard work and can damage the valve if not done smoothly.


New Member
I could only afford a small hand pump and won't beable to afford anything better for awhile. Will have another go later as my arms are killing me after it!


getting better all the time
Can you go to a bike shop and ask them to pump it to the right pressure so you can see what the right pressure feels like? The tyre side will be marked with the right range of pressures. A track pump is worth the spend. I normally ride on my own and a track pump means I can check my tyre pressures regularly. They are much easier to use than handpumps too.

editing to add - once you've got the tyre inflated, check it again tomorrow, in case you have a puncture.


New Member
I could take it to a shop here and get them blown up. I was wondering if it's a puncture as the back tyre is solid. Will see if it's still inflated tomorrow!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
If your going for 1 pump go for a topeak road morph with a gauge.
The small cheap mini pumps do not cut it and you will not get tyres up to pressure quickly and if its a road bike you will not get the tyre inflated enough which could lead to pinch flats.
The road morph has a foot peg so its easier to use and it gets tyres pumped up to pressure quickly.
Keep an eye out for aldi +lidl bike kit as they do cheap track pumps and they are the bogs dollocks when you want to keep your tyres right.


South Somerset
Lidle track pump is good value.


South Somerset
MTB tyres (approx 2" wide then)

I pump mine to 45 psi for the woods, and 55/60 if i am going on the tarmac.

45 psi wont feel soft but will allow a good bit of squeeze with a fair bit of resistance.


New Member
It will mainly be down the canal and road I will be cycling. Wonder if I could come up with an excuse to take the pump back :laugh:

The Brewer

Shed Dweller
I got a Lidl pump for keeping at work and carry c02. At home home though I have an air compressor, which is the best £80 I ever spent
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