- Location
- North Wales
Colin J-I speak as a "total wimp"Some dentists now offer oral sedation fortotal wimpsnervous patients like me. Has anybody tried it? How effective was it?

Nerve damage (especially with lower back teeth) can be very serious, very very painful and permanent!!!
Google 'suicide disease'
it's pain so bad from damged nerves in the area of lower teeth that people usually have to kill themsleves, although these days a daily dose of morphine for the rest of your life 'might' prevent suicide - still, not worth the risk I'd say!
I dont want to offend, cause debate, or incite a Cc riot

Do you have any experience of this?? That could completely put people off dentists for ever. It was actually my dentist who diagnosed that I had Trigeminal Neuralgia after 12 months of trying to get someone to believe there was a problem, that no it wasn't a "headache" or "toothache" or a migraine. Or stress or tiredness or the million and one other things my doctor put it down to.
I had my wisdom teeth removed, a root-canal thingy, and several CT scans. I had numerous overnight stays in hospital, and yet still nobody would take things seriously. It was only when my dentist asked about a bruise on my forehead during a checkup and I told him Id banged my head against the wall hard enough to knock myself out to stop the pain for a while that he took matters into his own hands and eventually got me an appointment with a neuralgist and bingo

I was put on several drugs, morphine not being one, and reacted badly resulting in a fortnight in hospital. I was then put on a different cocktail and they numbed the pain enough but made me the nearest thing to a zombie. I took myself off these as I couldnt function and that was when I took up cycling, and yoga, and out of the blue, after two years, the pain stopped. It was not because of anything id done, it apparently can just stop, even for years, but then can come back, so who knows. But for now it has gone.
But I do know that if it wasnt for my dentist i would probably never have got it diagnosed. And that it is not caused by damaged nerves from an outside source(ie an over-zealous dentist)although the actual cause is not really known.